Grade 5
Welcome to St. Michael’s 5th Grade, at our Bethlehem Campus. Our mission is to provide a loving, nurturing and safe environment for our children. In this environment, the children can develop and grow creatively, physically, emotionally, cognitively and spiritually.

Priority topics for the Grade 5 Religion Curriculum are: worship, the Sacraments, and liturgy. Students explore the rites and meanings of the Sacraments as they grow in appreciation for these gifts of Jesus to his beloved people. They consider how the Sacraments strengthen our relationship with Jesus and the community of believers, and learn about saints’ devotion to God and their faithfulness to Jesus in celebrating with the Christian community. They participate in a variety of prayer forms and service activities to demonstrate their love for God and neighbor. Students begin to practice finding, reading and reflecting on the meaning of Scripture passages.
Reading/Language Arts
The reading curriculum focuses on the imperative reading strategies that students can apply with diverse literature collections. Students will utilize an anthology, guided reading selections and novels There is exposure to a variety of genres including realistic fiction, historical fiction, myths, and mysteries. Novels of interest include, Maniac Magee, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, and Treasure Island. Language arts focuses on grammar, usage, and mechanics. The writing process and seven good writing traits will be explored during various writing pieces. In addition, a spelling curriculum gives students the opportunity to expand their everyday vocabulary with the utilization of weekly lists.

The curriculum for math covers conceptual understanding, numerical operations, and strategy development for the problem-solving process and critical thinking skills.
The curriculum focuses on the following units: weather, cells, simple organisms, invertebrates, vertebrates, food from plants and the ecosystem, matter, motion, and sound. Students will also cover safety rules for the lab as well as writing lab reports for the experiments performed in the lab setting. During the course of the year, students will do projects and reports that relate to the units studied.

Social Studies
The focus is based on American History. We begin with a study of the states and capitals and work our way to the Civil War and Reconstruction.
Students attend an art, music, gym, STEM and computer class once per week. In art students experience an in-depth concentration and development on drawing and painting skills. They learn value shading and color blending techniques at a more sophisticated level as well as the manipulation of brushes and drawing tools. Lessons are related to past, renowned artists and their works along with styles in art history and cultural art practices. At this level, several art lessons are inter-related with the lessons of the social studies curriculum.
- An art show is held annually during Catholic Schools Week
- All students participate in the diocesan art contest
- Other optional art contests are announced by the instructor
In music the curriculum for fifth through eighth grade covers music history of Antiquity, Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque Music, Classical and Romantic Periods, Music of the 20th Century including the composers and different styles, as well as American Music from the 1900’s to present. The elements of music and definitions including melody, rhythm, genres, dynamics, tempos are learned. Students review and continue to learn about note values and staff placement including treble and bass clefs. As a culmination of their musical learning, eighth grade students create a song with lyrics, melody, rhythms, harmonies, and chord progressions.
Students are also offered an opportunity to join the middle school choir. They sing at the school masses and at the spring concert.
In addition to choir, students may elect to participate in the instrumental music program complete with weekly lessons. A concert is held annually for the school community to enjoy.
In PE, instruction emphasizes the importance of an active and healthy lifestyle through participation in team oriented games, activities, and sports with the continuing theme of fair play and sportsmanship.