The concentration for art lessons in Kindergarten through Grade 4 is to develop fine motor skills, learn about the art elements and principles or design, color schemes, basic drawing and painting, blending colors, discovering new media and working 3 dimensionally within various material. Lessons are related to the history of art, famous artists and their works, and international, cultural practices and crafts.
An Art Show is held in the spring each year showcasing the artistic accomplishments of all students.
Middle School
Students experience an in-depth concentration and development on drawing and painting skills. They learn value shading and color blending techniques at a more sophisticated level as well as the manipulation of brushes and drawing tools. Lessons are related to past, renowned artists and their works along with styles in art history and cultural art practices. At this level, several art lessons are inter-related with the lessons of the social studies curriculum.
- An art show is held annually during Catholic Schools Week
- All students participate in the diocesan art contest
- Other optional art contests are announced by the instructor

All students in Kindergarten through Grade 4 have a weekly music class. The focus at this level is on liturgical music and the students sing beautifully at the masses. Third and fourth grade students may join the choir, if interested.
In Kindergarten, students learn basic counting skills and how to keep a beat to music. They also learn to relate movement and action to songs as well as memorize easy songs and melodies. In first grade, they are introduced to reading basic notation of time values of notes (whole, half, quarter) as well as counting beats to a measure and playing simple rhythms with sticks. They enjoy singing songs of different occasions and holidays.
Second graders continue to learn note values and playing rhythms of the eighth and sixteenth values. They also learn note placement on the music staff as well as music markings — dynamics, tempos, and meter. They enjoy singing songs of different occasions and holidays.
Third graders are introduced to the musical instrument families and learn to play a recorder in the second half of the school year. They learn songs on their records and perform for audiences.
Fourth graders learn to play percussion instruments with different rhythms. They are also introduced to playing the xylophones and keyboard pianos. An optional music lesson for band instruments is offered to interested students. Students are responsible for rental or purchase of their instrument as well as a monthly lesson fee.
Middle School
The curriculum for fifth through eighth grade covers music history of Antiquity, Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque Music, Classical and Romantic Periods, Music of the 20th Century including the composers and different styles, as well as American Music from the 1900’s to present. The elements of music and definitions including melody, rhythm, genres, dynamics, tempos are learned. Students review and continue to learn about note values and staff placement including treble and bass clefs. As a culmination of their musical learning, eighth grade students create a song with lyrics, melody, rhythms, harmonies, and chord progressions.
Students are also offered an opportunity to join the middle school choir. They sing at the school masses and at the spring concert.
In addition to choir, students may elect to participate in the instrumental music program complete with weekly lessons. A concert is held annually for the school community to enjoy.
Physical Education
Grades Kindergarten, 1, and 2
Instruction and activities concentrate heavily on basic locomotor skill development (walk, run, skip, jump, hop, etc.) and the development of hand/eye and foot coordination through catching, throwing and kicking. Simple game play and activities are utilized to introduce and reinforce these skills.
Grades 3 and 4
Instruction and activities continue the development of locomotor skills and coordination while introducing team related games and sports with an emphasis on teamwork, fair play, and sportsmanship.
The highlight of the year is Field Day in May!
Grades 5-8
Students have the opportunity to stay active, develop teamwork skills, and explore a variety of physical activities. Our gym provides a safe, fun environment for students to engage in sports, fitness challenges, and cooperative games. Whether they’re working on athletic skills or simply enjoying some friendly competition, our gym is the perfect place for students to build confidence, stay healthy, and have fun! We bring in outside guests to hold soccer, lacrosse, and field hockey clinics and more!

All students in Kindergarten through Grade 4 receive an introduction to the Spanish language and culture. The curriculum is presented in an active, cheerful manner with never a dull moment! During their class time, the instructor emphasizes listening, comprehending, and speaking the language. Students learn to speak the basics of Spanish (ABCs, numbers, colors, days of the week, seasons, months of the year, etc.) through games, songs, and conversations. They also learn about traditions, dance styles, and prayers.
Middle School
Spanish in the middle school concentrates on developing fluency in the basic use of everyday conversation about time, use of the number system, and basic grammar instruction. Instruction will also introduce everyday vocabulary that helps the beginning student express themselves clearly and authentically. The instruction is an ongoing process of being able to speak, write, and read in Spanish.

Technology: Elementary School
E3 – Enhance, Excite, Engage
The world around us is continually changing and requires citizens to be able to function in a world that calls upon 21st Century Skills such as:
- Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
- Collaboration
- Communication
- Creativity and Innovation
We are committed to preparing students to be literate and responsible citizens in today’s world. The St. Michael the Archangel Elementary School 1:1 iPad initiative E3 – Enhance, Excite, Engage will help prepare students to be literate and responsible citizens in a 21st century world. The use of iPads will Enhance academic excellence, Excite 21st century learners and Engage students in a digital environment. We are providing students with instant access to information all over the world and preparing them to be effective and responsible users of technology. By teaching students to think critically, collaborate and be creative we are developing skills needed to be 21st century learners and citizens.
This exciting school-wide initiative is a tremendous educational opportunity and a privilege that comes with much responsibility. We believe that our students are able to handle this incredible responsibility with appropriate guidance from both teachers and parents. Much care will be taken to properly instruct students about how to use the device and to communicate our expectations governing it. All students will receive training on how to safely and effectively use the device before the iPads are issued.

Technology: Middle School
Empowering the Innovators of Tomorrow
At our Middle School we believe that the future belongs to those who understand and shape technology. Our dynamic Technology Program is designed to inspire curiosity, foster creativity, and equip students with the skills they need to succeed in an ever-evolving digital world. Every student is provided with their own Chromebook, giving them the tools to explore, experiment, and create both in and out of the classroom.
Throughout their time, students will dive into exciting projects that blend coding, animation, digital design, and problem-solving. From building their first website to crafting animated stories, our curriculum encourages critical thinking, collaboration, and a hands-on approach to learning. Whether they’re learning the basics of coding or exploring advanced programming concepts, our students gain the confidence to become creators, not just consumers, of technology.
Join us as we prepare students not only to use technology, but to innovate, lead, and thrive in a digital-first world.