Transportation Information
Free public school bussing is available from surrounding school districts including Allentown, Bethlehem, East Penn, Palisades, Parkland, Quakertown, Salisbury, Saucon Valley, Upper Perkiomen, and Southern Lehigh. Each year you will be asked to fill out a transportation form. St. Michael the Archangel School will then forward the form to the corresponding district on your behalf. Bussing information will be provided to you by the district prior to the first day of school. Some questions and issues regarding transportation may need to be discussed with the district directly. For your convenience, the contact information is as follows:

A designated drop-off and pick-up location is available at both the primary school and middle school. A teacher stands at the door of each location during the drop-off and pick-up time.
All drivers to the schools are reminded of the following law related to parking near a school building:
“By law, the entire perimeter of our school buildings has been designated as a FIRE LANE. Due to fire and security issues, our Diocesan insurance carrier has advised us to enforce the directive that no vehicles, attended or unattended, are permitted to park around the school building at any time. All vehicles must be parked in a regulation parking space.”
For the primary school campus, a parking space in the lower lot has been designated for parents to park when dropping off or picking up students. For the middle school campus, visitors are asked to park in the lot between the church and the school.