Grade K
Welcome to St. Michael’s Kindergarten, at our Coopersburg Campus. Our mission is to provide a loving, nurturing and safe environment for our children. In this environment, the children can develop and grow creatively, physically, emotionally, cognitively and spiritually.
The Kindergarten curriculum at St. Michael the Archangel School follows the guidelines of the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) and the Diocese of Allentown. Students can attend either a half-day or full-day program.

Students become aware of God’s love for each person as they experience it through prayer, good people, events, and created things. Religion classes and spiritual activities invite them to follow Jesus by praying and performing acts of kindness.
Reading/Language Arts
The students learn to recognize alphabet letters, practice phonemic awareness, learn some high frequency words, and start to blend sounds to make words. Students are encouraged to develop an interest and desire to read.

Reading/Language Arts
The students learn to recognize alphabet letters, practice phonemic awareness, learn some high frequency words, and start to blend sounds to make words. Students are encouraged to develop an interest and desire to read.

Students learn about sorting geometry, patterns, position words, rote counting, recognizing numbers, graphs, money, time, and measurement. We also work on addition and subtraction readiness. Problem solving strategies are also practiced.
The children are taught Science by trade books, videos, “experiments”, and a variety of hands-on activities. Many themes are explored including living and non-living things, the body, the five senses, sink and float, temperature and thermometers, healthy foods, dental health, seasons, butterflies, simple machines, farms and farm animals, and reduce, reuse, recycle.

The children are taught Science by trade books, videos, “experiments”, and a variety of hands-on activities. Many themes are explored including living and non-living things, the body, the five senses, sink and float, temperature and thermometers, healthy foods, dental health, seasons, butterflies, simple machines, farms and farm animals, and reduce, reuse, recycle.

Social Studies
The Nystrom Jumbo Atlas is a springboard for a variety of themes and topics in Social Studies. Children learn about maps and models, family, friends, seasons and holidays, towns, farms, animals around the world, and children around the world. Lessons include a variety of teaching methods to encourage exploration and discovery and many opportunities to discuss and appreciate the new information.
Students attend an art, music, library, gym, and computer class once per week. In art the concentration in Kindergarten through Grade 4 is to develop fine motor skills, learn about the art elements and principles or design, color schemes, basic drawing and painting, blending colors, discovering new media and working 3 dimensionally within various material. Lessons are related to the history of art, famous artists and their works, and international, cultural practices and crafts. An Art Show is held in the spring each year showcasing the artistic accomplishments of all students.
In music, students learn basic counting skills and how to keep a beat to music. They also learn to relate movement and action to songs as well as memorize easy songs and melodies.
In PE instruction and activities concentrate heavily on basic locomotor skill development (walk, run, skip, jump, hop, etc.) and the development of hand/eye and foot coordination through catching, throwing and kicking. Simple game play and activities are utilized to introduce and reinforce these skills.

Students attend an art, music, library, gym, and computer class once per week. In art the concentration in Kindergarten through Grade 4 is to develop fine motor skills, learn about the art elements and principles or design, color schemes, basic drawing and painting, blending colors, discovering new media and working 3 dimensionally within various material. Lessons are related to the history of art, famous artists and their works, and international, cultural practices and crafts. An Art Show is held in the spring each year showcasing the artistic accomplishments of all students.
In music, students learn basic counting skills and how to keep a beat to music. They also learn to relate movement and action to songs as well as memorize easy songs and melodies.
In PE instruction and activities concentrate heavily on basic locomotor skill development (walk, run, skip, jump, hop, etc.) and the development of hand/eye and foot coordination through catching, throwing and kicking. Simple game play and activities are utilized to introduce and reinforce these skills.

Foreign Language
All students in Kindergarten through Grade 4 receive an introduction to the Spanish language and culture. The curriculum is presented in an active, cheerful manner with never a dull moment! During their once a week lesson, the instructor emphasizes listening, comprehending, and speaking the language. Students learn to speak the basics of Spanish (ABC’s, numbers, colors, days of the week, seasons, months of the year, etc.) through games, songs, and conversations. They also learn about traditions, dance styles, and prayers.
Students enjoy field trips to a pumpkin patch, the da Vinci Science Center, a DeSales University play, and the Lehigh Valley Zoo. Sponge painted t-shirts are made for each child to commemorate important events throughout the year. The school year ends with a prayer service and reception.

Students enjoy field trips to a pumpkin patch, the da Vinci Science Center, a DeSales University play, and the Lehigh Valley Zoo. Sponge painted t-shirts are made for each child to commemorate important events throughout the year. The school year ends with a prayer service and reception.