At St. Mikes we understand that choosing an Elementary School for your child is an important decision. Whether you are looking at our school for Pre-K and Kindergarten to begin your child’s schooling or looking for a change, we welcome and encourage students to spend a day at St. Mikes! To schedule a Shadow Day, please click on the link below and complete the google form. Once you complete the form, our Advancement Team will communicate with the teachers to get their availability. An email will be sent when a date and time is confirmed.
For Elementary School Shadow Days: Please arrive between 8:20AM-8:40AM. Report to the Main Office and a member of our Administration will walk them to the appropriate classroom. You may pick up your child at 3PM
For Middle School Shadow Days: Please arrive between 7:50AM-8:10AM. Report to the Main Office and a member of our Administration will walk them to their Homeroom. You ma pick up your child at 3PM.
Please contact Lindsey Heil, Director of Advancement, at 610-965-4441 or via email for any questions regarding this process.
Ladies: Dress pants, skirt with a nice shirt/sweater. No jeans, sweatpants, yoga pants or sneakers unless your child comes on a gym day. This will be communicated with you ahead of time.
Gentlemen: Dress pants, a polo, or button down or a sweater. No jeans, sweatpants or sneakers unless your child comes on a gym day. This will be communicated with you ahead of time.
Whether you are visiting our Elementary School or Middle School, we take the safety of our Faculty and Students seriously. At both buildings the main entrance of the building will be unlocked. You will then enter a small foyer where you will be required to ring the buzzer for our main office. When asked, please state your full name and the reason for your visit. Both offices are informed regarding any tours or shadow days ahead of time.